Free Quilt Pattern and Videos – Fat Quarter Friendly!
Free Quilt Pattern Download
Mini-quilts are a good place to start for a beginner in quilting. The Farmhouse Floral mini-quilt download is a FREE digital quilt pattern for our newsletter subscribers. Color ideas for fabrics can be played with on the blank diagrams included in our patterns.
All of the videos are FREE. There are videos specifically for the mini-quilts, and Core videos that should help with the basics. Each pattern has an instruction guide that corresponds to the videos and includes diagrams, cutting outlines, and our Quilting Notebook.
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- Download and Print Free Pattern Instructions and Diagrams
The Farmhouse Floral is a free digital quilt pattern!
Videos for the FarmHouse Floral Mini are here.
Included is fast, personal support for any of our patterns.
Instruction Pattern Guides – The guides contain instructions, measurements for cutting blocks, references to the relevant videos, along added notes if needed. Colored and blank diagrams, color/count patches, and layout/cutting diagrams are included. 7-10 pages each.
- 31 Videos! Core Video Lessons- OPEN to the public – Techniques used in all basic quilting, start to finish. Quilt-Specific Videos – Includes all videos relevant to each quilt.
Each mini-quilt has its own videos and downloads belonging to that mini-quilt.

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Do you have the pattern or pattern name of your Winnie the Pooh quilt?
Hi Suzanne! I designed this quilt for my little girl a few years ago, and somehow the design was lost in a software update. I wish I did have it for you! I hope to figure out the layout and dimensions again for a pattern. 🙂 But it’s on a long list of patterns to work on!
Blessings, Jessica