Forgiveness: Part II
Having some thoughts this morning.. Do you forgive easily? On the spot, take the apology, no questions asked, no rehashing of events, no accusing, wipe the slate clean, forgive?
Do you know that Jesus wiped your slate clean? Anything other than doing the same for another will make you miserable. Not only that, one day you will stand in front of the One who forgave you..what will He say to you? It doesn’t matter what you think you will say to Him, as I tell my children, you will not be able to point a finger to someone else, it will be all about you only.
Have you ever made a mistake of hurting someone, although you felt they were at fault completely, and decided to drop your hurt feelings and just apologize? Again, no rehashing, no arguing… you did the right thing, even if they didn’t accept it, you are free my friend. Go with a clear conscience and continue to sit at the feet of God. Be silent and pray.
Well, we are off to a family outing. How revealing the scripture is and how much power we have to love the way He loved and LOVES us now. Just wanted to share that!
Colossians 3:13