Antique Thoughts

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I have a real want to go antique shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I hate clutter when it doesn’t have a purpose.

How many of you like to go window shopping in an antique store? Some of the items aren’t really antique, but only replicas, and I really don’t know much about that. It’s interesting to look and imagine that each little piece has a story to it.

You see a lovely little lamp and wonder if it sat on a sturdy old dresser of real wood, with a pretty lace runner that had to be straightened every time a child turned on the lamp! How about that brass bed? We had a real one once; I always wonder if children were born in them. I bet there are stories to the real antiques we find in those shoppes. I bet they would sell better if the owners posted a story to go along with them!

I was thinking for each tea we do in Seasons, I’m going let the girls collect tea cups just for that tea. Wouldn’t that be fun. We were just purchasing sets, but much more of a story can be told if they go and find something special. Then put the cup in a hope chest or in a cabinet with glass. They can tell their magazine story when they use them.

I’m sure many of you do this anyway.

Well, just having some antique thoughts while I hold the fort together. I wish I were out with Jessica who is doing some of our favorite shopping (fabric) with her little sisters.

Blessings! Theresa

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