Growing Time..

As much as we love the snowy winters here in Colorado, there is something equally exciting about our “growing season.” Yesterday we were officially able to start our garden! We are starting most of our seeds inside, rather than outside like we did last year. Last year really was dry and most of our seeds […]

Will the Real Gentlemen Please Stand Up..

and give your seat to the lady standing… I’ve seen many courteous men and boys. I’ve equally seen, and sadly seen more often, the opposite. I’m training my boys to understand that ladies must be first. Ladies first! It’s terrible when my 18-year-old son understands this concept, but a 70-year-old man in the grocery store


Granola is one of those recipes that’s been practically beaten to death, but it’s also one of the staples our family makes the most of. It kills me when I walk through the store looking at the assembly of prices of pre-made, frozen and boxed foods; most of them things that could be easily made

Prayer Ignites Action

I’m sorely tempted each time I pray to wonder where it went. As the day passes, I recall my pleadings to the Lord and say, “Remember this morning Father?” The past few days my devotionals from Elisabeth Elliot have been direct answers to my daily questions. This morning I was reminded that prayer sets forth

Delicious Whole Wheat French Bread Happened by Mistake

This morning my head wasn’t at all in the baking realm so I accidentally forgot very two important ingredients to our weekly bread. The oil and honey! My delicious whole wheat french bread happened by mistake! I added tofu powder which is sweet so that may have helped. The mistake made a bread that had

Invisible Blessings

This was the Elisabeth Elliot newsletter for today.. I thought I would share it here 🙂 I love reading articles by Elisabeth Elliot, and have many of her books. I especially love it when the daily newsletter seems to pertain to what we are going through at the time. Right now for our family, it


This was an excellent reading from Elisabeth Elliot. It takes care of putting faith in objects around us which tends to destroy our looking up toward the creator when things don’t go our way. I like the absolutes much better. Be encouraged, Theresa Realities“Faith…the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1 KJV).What realities can we

Breakfast Shortbread

This is a yummy whole wheat shortbread. We use soft white wheat, not hard. Enjoy! Makes a 9″x13″ pan Chop 11 Tbsp. butter into a mixer. Add: 2 Tbsp. of baking powder 1 tsp. sea salt 3/4 c. sugar 1 cup of half-n-half beaten with 2 eggs Jog just to mix up and add: 5

Stuffed Bread

This is just about the best thing you can do with bread, stuff it! This recipe makes 3-4 large loaves. Cut the recipe in half for a smaller quantity. In the Bosch mixer with the dough hook combine: 5 1/2 cups warm water 4 Tbsp. sugar 2 Tbsp. sea salt 3 1/2 cups freshly ground

Finished Dresses

The dresses I’ve been working on… Would anyone like a quick lesson on how to put lace on the bottom of dresses? I always used to hem. I don’t anymore.. I took some pictures and thought about posting a quick lesson. Nothing too fancy, very simple. I meant to show the back neckline which hangs

Plackets Made Easy

Plackets are made easy in just a few steps. A placket is simply a strip of fabric for an opening in a garment that will be joined in some way – buttons, hooks etc. [clickToTweet tweet=”Plackets confused me terribly. I finally got it and now can easily make a placket for any garment.” quote=”Plackets confused me

Love Covers All

Yesterday one of the verses that was given was Proverbs 10:12. I am a KJV lady all the way, it can be a challenge to read at times, but Lord willing (and I think He is), God will continue to help me understand it. I wanted to compare the versions of this verse because it