Peach and Hot Pepper Jam in Jars

Peach and Hot Pepper Jam

Here is a Joyous Home fall jam favorite! In late August you can find Palisade Peaches everywhere, and boy are they tasty. This peach and hot pepper jam is a great comfort food to have in the pantry. How to Blanch Peaches Before chopping peaches for jam, you need to remove the skins. This is […]

Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies

We love a nice thin cookie that isn’t too hard or flat. This cookie recipe came out great using one unconventional ingredient that I normally don’t add. Here’s how to make thin and crispy chocolate chip cookies. We soften the butter slightly, not completely melting it. A rule of thumb is the colder the butter

Rum Cake Recipe

How to Make Our Best Rum Cake

  We love making this cake at Christmas. Rum cake was my father’s favorite dessert this time of year, and he made it very tasty. We tried using our own white cake recipe from scratch. We found that a white cake mix worked great to show how to make our best rum cake. Our Best

Use fresh blueberries in scones

Blueberry Buttermilk Scones: My Best Scone Recipe

Have you ever made a baking mistake that ended in your favor? I made these amazing blueberry buttermilk scones yesterday afternoon, and I suppose my brain got ounces and tablespoons mixed up. I accidentally doubled, yes doubled, the butter. What a gorgeous shade of yellow the batter was as I dropped the super-soft dough onto the powdered

Santa Lucia Story

Ornament Traditions

Ornament sharing is one of the best traditions we have started in our family. I love ornaments. Years ago, we were invited to a friend’s home for Christmas. Their children were well grown with families of their own. Upon seeing her tree, I was fascinated!  I didn’t know any of their children, but you could

White Christmas Ribbon Tree Ornament

Christmas Ribbon Tree Ornaments

Ornament sharing is one of the best traditions we have started in our family. All kinds of handmade ornaments can lend to comfort and blessed conversation in later years. One of the pretty ornaments Jessica made was with ribbon. Here’s how to make Christmas Ribbon Tree Ornaments. Supplies for Christmas Ribbon Trees Makes One 16″

peanut butter cups

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups

Good morning everyone! Today we are making a traditional treat, loved at gatherings, our wonderful homemade peanut butter cups! Homemade Peanut Butter Cups   I made several dozen of these last Christmas for a fellowship but didn’t try one myself before we brought them. By the time I saw the tin during the fellowship, the

Finished Felt Poinsettia

No Sew Felt Poinsettia Ornament

Felt Poinsettia Ornament I could be wrong, but Christmas seems to fly by more than it did when I was 10. I don’t mean the wait for presents, I don’t remember squirming much about that. We had so much fun doing the other things, the whole season was fun to soak in. I remember having

Quick Hot Chocolate Cups

Because the days are still cold, we are still mixing up hot drinks. Quick hot chocolate cups are not difficult to prepare and deliver the quickest, sweetest food gift ever. Your friends are going to wonder why they didn’t think of doing this! The Difference Between Cocoa and Chocolate I had never really wondered if

hexie tutorial

English Paper Piecing: Hexagon Flower Tutorial

Here is an easy English paper piecing hexagon flower tutorial. Making hexagons is very pretty and very versatile. Hexies, as they are known, can be put on many projects. I started learning about English paper piecing last fall, and I love it! There is not a simpler hand-sewing technique for quilt piecing and pretty applique

Christmas Paper Houses

Make Christmas Paper Houses and Ornaments

Grab some craft paper and make Christmas paper houses and ornaments. These look beautiful on a table or mantle with little battery-operated tea lights under them! You can make a whole village of paper houses! Or make a little hole and use embroidery ribbon to hang them on the Christmas tree. Make Christmas Paper Houses

All Fruit Mincemeat Pie

Easy All Fruit Mincemeat Pie Recipe

This easy pie recipe is an all-time favorite from childhood. We always bought the frozen store mincemeat pie, which from what I remember was just fruit. Some recipes I’ve seen call for some sort of beef something, but this is an all fruit mincemeat pie, and it is delicious. Easy All Fruit Mincemeat Pie Recipe