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Topic starter
August 6, 2020 6:09 pm
I'm needing some good ideas for my dehydrator. Besides herbs, which is why I pulled it out, any ideas?
working pantry reacted
October 12, 2020 5:35 pm
I'm currently dehydrating all things green (kale, mustard greens, moringa, nettles, cabbage, broccoli, etc) to go in a 'greens' jar.
Theresa reacted
Topic starter
October 12, 2020 6:03 pm
I'm currently dehydrating all things green (kale, mustard greens, moringa, nettles, cabbage, broccoli, etc) to go in a 'greens' jar.
How do you use them? I put all my herbs in mine and realized my dehydrator wasn't working 🙁 So my herbs got the counter dehydration lol... it's Colorado, that works well haha.