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This was an excellent reading from Elisabeth Elliot. It takes care of putting faith in objects around us which tends to destroy our looking up toward the creator when things don’t go our way. I like the absolutes much better. Be encouraged, Theresa

“Faith…the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1 KJV).
What realities can we be sure of? There is a popular notion about prayer which assumes that the thing asked for ought to be the object of faith–“Lord, give me this or that,” wherefore “this” and “that” become the realities. No. The Bible states the absolutes that we can be certain of: the character of God, his love, his will that we be conformed to his Son’s likeness, his sovereign control of all the universe. When faith latches on to those realities which we do not see with our eyes, it can never be confounded. If it makes the thing asked for its object, faith itself will dissolve if the Lord’s answer is no, or not yet, or wait.
“In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust. Let me never be put to confusion” (Ps 71:1 AV).

Elisabeth Elliot

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