Free Book Friday – Nature! | Watercolor with Children

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Free Book Friday!

Today is our Free Book Friday Giveaway! We are feeling a twing of spring and can’t wait for all the little critters to start creeping about, so we chose from some of our favorite nature guides!

Caterpillars, Bugs and Butterflies explores the world of insects, caterpillars, and butterflies including identification information, educational activities, and fun

facts. (Take Along Guides)

One Small Square – Woods helps young readers unlock the closely guarded secrets of the woods­­ from the strange meetings of lazy butterflies, to the miraculous “walking” of a twig, to the riddle of why the leaves turn color and fall. One small square at a time, these “detectives” plunge deeper and deeper into ancient mysteries­­ without ever getting lost. Beautifully illustrated, Woods offers a picture field guide, a glossary-index, and a resource list.


Watercolor with Children!

Watercolor is a wonderful media to use with children when expanding their horizons in art. Simple techniques such as painting clouds, making textures or landscapes can be created with simple tools. Trees, grass or rocks are all perfect to start with. We’ll make some easy back drop landscapes here.


Here is a very simple lesson for the child beginning art, using simple methods. We went out to the yard and collected leaves and flowers. For our painting tools, we brought out toothpicks, cotton balls, tissues and plastic wrap. We also used a blending tool, called a tortillion – that’s the hardest term you’ll need to remember here!

We used watercolor paper – it’s thicker than regular finger paint paper and wide brushes. Make a wash to begin, a little paint to mostly water.

Nothing But Blue Skies

A sky is a good place to start. Brush the paper with blue and use tissues to wipe away some of the paint while wet. Let this dry and add something more of a picture. How about a tree with a swing? Help your children imagine different backgrounds and scenery.


Make Sunshine

Apply yellow and be generous. Take your plastic wrap and ball up at least three wads. Stick this to the paper and let dry. NO peeking!!! Dry for at least 30 minutes and then peel off. Now add some scenery! I loved this background.

sunshine_w sunshine2_w

Leaves and Flowers

The next one will use the flowers or leaves you collected. The littler ones seemed to enjoy this the most. Coat the paper with dark green, or a nice bold color for the flowers. Press the leaves into the paint. You can place a rock on the leaf to hold it in place until semi-dry. Then peel off. They can also paint the leaves or flower petals with a cotton swab and press onto the paper.

leafdone_w liftleaf_w


Use the tortillion to smear or blend colors. Easy! Flower petals are used the same way the leaves are. What an easy start to pretty art! Have fun!


Enter the Giveaway!

It’s easy to par­tic­i­pate! All you need to do…
 1. Sign up for our newslet­ter* (if you’re not signed up already). You must be on our newslet­ter to qual­ify — sign-up on the top right cor­ner of the site!

*Note — Your email address will only be used on our mail­ing list or given to the spon­sor of the give­away only, we do NOT sell or give out email addresses — ever. You will not be over­loaded with newslet­ters from Joy­ous Notions. We send an aver­age of 1–2 emails per week.

 The give­away ends Tues­day, March 11th at mid­night | The win­ner will be announced here on Blog Hop Wednes­day the 12th and will be con­tacted via email.


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