Delicious Whole Wheat French Bread Happened by Mistake
This morning my head wasn’t at all in the baking realm so I accidentally forgot very two important ingredients to our weekly bread. The oil and honey! My delicious whole wheat french bread happened by mistake!
I added tofu powder which is sweet so that may have helped. The mistake made a bread that had a very familiar taste. When we lived in Texas and before I knew about whole grain bread making, we would buy these very delicious sourdough hard rolls. These taste just like those delicious rolls I loved.
I would suggest making rolls with this not a loaf. The crust is very crispy and the inside very tender and the best part, all whole wheat. Enjoy! On the rise below, a picture before we baked it. I wasn’t sure what they would taste like. A delicious french bread happened by mistake!
I would serve with Misson Baked Beans. Oh boy, beans, and french bread rolls. I also use a Bosch, so cut in half if your mixer isn’t a big one.
6 cups water
3 Tbsp. Tofu White Powder
3 Tbsp. Dough Enhancer
5 cups of Prairie Gold or other hard white wheat freshly milled
3 Tbsp. Saf yeast on top of warm flour
Mix until smooth. I sponged this for 90 minutes, you can sponge for a shorter time, but the fermented taste may not be as prominent. Additionally, you could add 1 or 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to enhance a sourdough taste. A quick trick I recently learned.
Then add: 2 Tbsp. of Real Salt, and flour one cup at a time until the bowl cleans. Knead for 5 minutes with a high-powered mixer and then test gluten.
Shape into rolls and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until light brown and hollow when tapped.
Enjoy, Theresa