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How to Use Moda Cupcake and Cake Mix Recipes – With Video

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Half-square triangles are always a challenge. You need to mark the fabric, sew, and trim to size. I’m getting better with practice, but all it takes is one line not sewn straight to throw off a block. Cupcake and Cake Mix Recipes by Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co. for Moda are my new go-to for easy-to-make blocks.

What Sizes of Fabric are used for Moda Cupcake and Cake Mix Recipes?

If you’ve ever seen the 5″ Charm fabric packs or 10″ Layer Cakes, these recipe cards are made specifically for them. You can of course cut your own fabric to 5″ or 10″ instead. But sometimes the Charm packs and Layer Cakes have so many coordinated fabrics of one line, you can’t resist! This is where these cards are handy.

How many blocks does a Moda Cupcake or Cake Recipe Mix Make?

Each recipe card has its own combination of finished half-square triangles (HSTs) combinations. For Cupcake Mix #4, each recipe paper uses two 5″ charm squares that will yield four 1-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ finished half-triangle squares and four 1-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ finished squares. Two assembled recipe cards make one 6″ x 6″ finished block.

How to Use Miss Rosie’s Cake Mix Recipe for Moda

Using the Cake or Cupcake Mixes for Moda is really straightforward. Each pack has 44 papers with pre-printed lines and a few different block layouts (recipes) for the blocks included.

Each sheet is made of foundation paper, and exactly the same for each recipe mix. There are either three or four blocks that are offered for the half-square triangles, or squares made. To start, pin two blocks, right sides together, with the lighter block on top. Pin the paper on top.

Dotted lines are sewn, solid lines are your cutting lines. Set your machine at 12 stitches per inch. On my Husqvarna, that is 2.0. Start at the star on each paper, and follow the arrows, stopping and turning until you end on the other line across from the star.

Layer Cake 10″ Recipe Mix, sewn piece example – From two 10″ fabric pieces

Just cut the solid lines and press your pieces. Pick your layout! I’ve made a quick video showing how to use a Cake Mix Recipe here.

Buy Them!

We have a few in stock and more on the way!

Happy Sewing! Theresa

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