
Use fresh blueberries in scones

Blueberry Buttermilk Scones: My Best Scone Recipe

Have you ever made a baking mistake that ended in your favor? I made these amazing blueberry buttermilk scones yesterday afternoon, and I suppose my brain got ounces and tablespoons mixed up. I accidentally doubled, yes doubled, the butter. What a gorgeous shade of yellow the batter was as I dropped the super-soft dough onto the powdered […]

peanut butter cups

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups

Good morning everyone! Today we are making a traditional treat, loved at gatherings, our wonderful homemade peanut butter cups! Homemade Peanut Butter Cups   I made several dozen of these last Christmas for a fellowship but didn’t try one myself before we brought them. By the time I saw the tin during the fellowship, the

Quick Hot Chocolate Cups

Because the days are still cold, we are still mixing up hot drinks. Quick hot chocolate cups are not difficult to prepare and deliver the quickest, sweetest food gift ever. Your friends are going to wonder why they didn’t think of doing this! The Difference Between Cocoa and Chocolate I had never really wondered if

All Fruit Mincemeat Pie

Easy All Fruit Mincemeat Pie Recipe

This easy pie recipe is an all-time favorite from childhood. We always bought the frozen store mincemeat pie, which from what I remember was just fruit. Some recipes I’ve seen call for some sort of beef something, but this is an all fruit mincemeat pie, and it is delicious. Easy All Fruit Mincemeat Pie Recipe

Buttermilk Coffee Cake

Buttermilk Cinnamon Crumb Coffee Cake

This recipe was our go-to quick breakfast side for years when the children were smaller. I forgot not only how easy it is to make, but how delicious it is! The buttermilk gives it a lovely light taste. This buttermilk cinnamon crumb coffee cake may become your favorite accompaniment to breakfast. Buttermilk Cinnamon Crumb Coffee

Make Appetizer Puff Pastry

Easy Homemade Puff Pastry

I love making little appetizers with puff pastry. Puff pastry can be made with very few ingredients, and it’s delicious! I’ve always used the store-bought puff pastry sheets, but making it is very easy! This easy homemade puff pastry can be made beforehand which is super convenient for your next party. The great thing about

Making Cookies with Whole Wheat

Big Batch Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who doesn’t love a cookie that is a bit healthier? This cookie recipe has been tested and tried several times, being a bit different as we use whole grain flour instead of white flour. We seriously cannot tell the difference with this one. Maybe it’s the peanut butter or dark chocolate chips. In any case,

Make Apple Butter Using Your Crockpot

Homemade Apple Butter Using a Crockpot

I love fall! I especially like when apples go on sale. I almost inevitably end up with several bags that will go bad if I don’t do something quick. Apple butter, my love of all fruity spreads, is better homemade. It’s time to make homemade apple butter using a crockpot, horray! Make Crockpot Apple Butter

Homemade Homemade Buttery Whole Wheat Pancakes

Buttery Whole Wheat Pancakes

This pancake recipe is sure to become a favorite – Buttery Whole Wheat Pancakes will be a loved recipe for your family’s breakfast. It can be adapted to add your favorite spices – think pumpkin in the fall and Speculaas at Christmas. Or how about a little buttermilk in place of regular milk? I use freshly

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer

Pumpkin spice coffee creamer is something I look for as soon as September hits. It’s my favorite flavor, and I would prefer grocery stores carry it all year long! I decided to give a homemade version a try. Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer Try creating a masterpiece of coffee delight in this creamer by playing with

Classic Meatloaf Recipe

Classic Favorite Meatloaf Recipe

Each time we make this meatloaf recipe, I have to roll back a few years to the night we had baby 9 enter the world. I know we were just a crowd of hungry people, but it was the best meatloaf EVER. It’s been Joyous Home’s favorite classic meatloaf recipe since that fine day years

Homemade Pizza Joyous Home

Best Kitchen Aid Mixer Pizza Dough

Do you need a great pizza dough recipe for your Kitchen Aid? Try our Best Kitchen Aid Mixer Pizza Dough Recipe! This is our favorite Friday night pizza dough recipe. I’m using a Kitchen Aid Professional 600. Best Kitchen Aid Mixer Pizza Dough The sauce for our pizza is included in a mini pizza recipe that can be