“This magazine issue is absolutely delightful! We were so happy to bless our customers with it.”
Terri Johnson, Knowledge Quest

“I just received my magazines today! I love your heart that is shared in the magazine. Thank you for your dedication to preserving so many wonderful homemaking skills. I’m sitting now with a cup of hot tea and reading every word for the second time. Thanks again.” God bless, Angie

“I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Seasons at Home magazine. It is THE ONLY magazine I subscribe to. Thank you for the super job!”  Lisa

“Received the package today. They are just as lovely and wonderful as ever! Looking forward to receiving the next two!”  Jennifer

I just received the magazine today! A wonderful blessing as always!”

Thank you,

“I just finished reading through your lovely publication! Really, really well done.”

“So excited to hear your magazine is back! Looking forward to the first issue!”
Love Jennifer

Hi Theresa, I am delighted that there will be more issues. I am glad you’re going back to the printed version. We look forward to enjoying them.

SO excited for more Seasons at Home magazine! My absolute favorite read! Amy D.

“Thank you!!! We love the back issues of the print and we printed out several copies of last years! The girls devour them.” Laura K.

“Thank You for the latest issue of the Journal. I was able to download it yesterday at work to enjoy. It looks wonderful!!!! I’m looking forward to trying some of the ideas. Thank you for the encouragements and ideas for both myself and for teaching our daughters and sons. I’m sure my 9 year old son will like to try the flower press.”
Thank you again,

“It is apparent that your standards are high because you always put out a quality product. Ever since I discovered your magazines I have looked forward to getting each one.” Becky

Hi Jessica and Theresa,
“We are currently putting together an eBook cookbook that features recipes using Solo Foods products. We’ve seen your Twisted Almond Wreath on Joyous Notions, think it’s wonderful and would love to feature it!” Kelsey, Solo Foods

“Ella went through all of the holiday magazines last week and picked out the recipes she wanted to make and we spent all day yesterday baking. I’m sure when you and Jessica shared your recipes you didn’t expect to bless the lives of a platoon of Marines, but you did! They were all so grateful and humbled, and I couldn’t have shared that with them without you, so thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am so grateful for all of the ways you have blessed me!” Love, Abby

“Your family and the magazine has inspired and blessed me so very much through the years. You’ll never know what a special possession it has been to us and the many happy memories that we’ve made using the various issues. May the Lord to continue to bless you, your family, and your efforts.”
Lisa J.

“Thank you so much! I do not have a quilt membership, but I have subscribed to your Seasons At Home magazine from the first issue. Your magazines are beautiful, and I enjoy every issue.” Thanks again, Jane

“Theresa & daughters,
We have just moved to Guam after 5 years in Maine and 2 in Alaska – we have gotten in the habit of having “hot tea” to keep warm – now we don’t have that issue as we live in an endless summer! Your idea for the “prairie tea” was just what we needed!
The sun was out and it was 85 or 90 degrees – with palm trees and a beautiful breeze – so thank you for the inspiration! Thank you for your ministry of Seasons at Home – we adore looking through and re-looking through and it is a blessing and inspiration for our family!
THANK YOU!” Lauron, and daughters

“My daughters and I were so excited to receive our first Tea Times. It is lovely.” Paulette

“It’s here – it has arrived!! Beautiful. I am devouring it! Thank you!” Lesley-Anne

“You all do such an excellent job, and teach so much! Thank you thank you thank you, and a very blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas season to you and yours!” Dawn

“I really don’t know how you manage to do it, but somehow I always here from you, and you always bless me at just the right moment. The Fall journal is absolutely beautiful, and it brought me to tears. I’m not even sure why. I guess the beauty of it just really touched my heart.”  Love, Abby

“This is amazingly beautiful.  I’m humbled to be a part of it.” Love, Phyllis

“I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying the latest issue of Seasons At Home. This year I had received my SAH a few weeks before our China student arrived so I was ready.  I made the kettle corn and it was a HUGE hit.  Even my husband who thought he would not like it is requesting that I make it for him sometimes.  Thank you so much!” Blessings, Katherine